The project is designed as a unique "architectural act" that using a material simple and elegant - sheet zinc-titanium light gray prepatinated - reinterprets the "theme" of coverage as a new part of the building in the contemporary dialogue with the existing one, both in its general configuration and in its architectural details.
The context of the project is characterized by a discrete and urban character, with a system of courts, due to the traditional relationship between road and curtain and due to the architectural style of Milan's first '900 internal galleries.
For an architectural character, the project espouse the principles of typological coverage "French", considering it the most elegant way to achieve an intervention unit, elegant, contemporary, discreet and able to guarantee, with the use of a single material typical of roofing, an aesthetic and morphological quality.
location Via Atto Vannucci 5, Milan
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
client Studio Arese S.r.l, Milano
design team Fabiola Quieti
design phase 2013-2014
construction phase in progress