ALER's Spaventa district is one of the most significant case of social housing of the first '900 in Milan. From a urban point of view, it has an extraordinary system of public spaces in which the building are set.
The working plan, part of a competitive tender won by a temporary association of companies which included also the construction, includes the full extraordinary repair of 6 buildins, their facades and their courtyards.
The projectual challange was about valorizing the district typologically, energetically and structurally, but also safeguarding it.
The internal distribuition has been re-projected; materials has been choosen for their lightness (for instance: plasterboard walls) and their energetical performance (for instance: thermal insulation coating).
Solar and photovoltaic systems are included.
Preliminary and final design, coordinated by arch. Gaiani, has been awarded by Europan.
The Working plan has been approved by Soprintendenza dei Beni Architettonici of Milan.
Construction is ongoing.
location Milan
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
Associazione temporanea di imprese con CME Consorzio Imprenditori Edili (executing company, lead group representative) and ing. Mauro Grossi (design team leader), ing. Marco Poli (structures), ing. Marco Cecchelani (technological systems)
client ALER Milano
design team Paolo Furlanis, Fabiola Quieti
design phase 2011-2012
construction phase 2012