The parking deterrent was specifically designed for the refurbishment of Cernusco sul Naviglio most important public space, the town hall square (project by Studio Redaelli Spaeranza), in order to control the restricted to traffic zone inside the old town.
It was called “Calimero” and made in spheroidal cast iron, and it was used both in piazza Unità d’Italia and in piazza Padre Giuliani, project by Studio Redaelli Speranza, and also in other town’s context: other stone made squares, local streets inorder to divide different users, vehicular and cycle-pedestrian and, more generally, in the old town of Cernusco sul Naviglio.
location Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milan
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milan
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza con Sophie Ambrosie, paesaggista
client Comune di Cernusco sul Naviglio
design team Francesca Scianna
design phase 2000
construction phase 2000
photos Vito Redaelli
published in Abitare, n°421, october 2002