The patio is the generating element of the renovation of a flat set on the boundaries of Cordoba old town, in the south of Spain. The circulation of the flati happens around that patio, creating continuità for inner and external spaces. The big terrace above, occupino the entire building roof, allows to watch the city’s skyline. Space’s continuity allows the andalusian light to enter and to be reflected by the white walls, contrasting the unusual colored ceramic 70’s style floor, which has been conserved. Cherry-wooden covered fornitures – with a simple and geometric design – dialog, becoming darker in time, with the brown-red floor.
location Cordoba, Spain
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milano
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
client privato
design team Omar Sala
design phase 2009
construction phase 2009
photos Vito Redaelli