Like many other European cities, even Barcelona is experiencing an increase of the tourism’s mono-economy, undergoing a process of gentrification and expulsion of the former residents from its socio-economic fabric. The result is a reduced social sustainability and the loss of identity of its neighborhoods. SRSARCH, in a team composed of various experts of the municipal administration, managed to analyze various good practice in Europe, which faced similar transformation and implemented policies to contrast them. Lisbon, Madrid, Berlin, Valencia, Venice, Naples, Cadiz, Marseille, Paris, London, Milan, Athens, Cordoba and Vienna were analyzed comparing the experiments to contain gentrification in the interaction between public administration, social movements and academic fields. The aim of the work was to reinforce the role of Barcelona as promoter of a debate on urban and social sustainability, facing this transformation, and around the regeneration of the Mediterranean urban space. The end result was the definition of an Atlas of the A-Gentrification to monitor ongoing actions and promote a network of European cities and citizenship.
Article “Atles europeu de lluita contra la gentrificació, Barcelona Metrópolis_capital en transformació,
n°107 , april 2018
Article “Atlas de la A-Gentrificación. Políticas y medidas para la sostenibilidad social en las transformaciones urbanas en ciudades europeas”, Papers n 60, Institut de Estudi Metropolitans de Barcelona, Barcelona,may 2018
location Barcellona (Spagna)
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milano
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
client Comune di Barcellona (Spagna)
design team
Alessandra Esposito, Maria Luisa Boccacci, William Bianchi
local experts
Stefano Riva (Lisbona), Andrej Holm (Berlino), Laura Fregolent (Venezia), Aitor Varea (Valencia), Alessandra Esposito (Napoli), Prosper Wonner (Marsiglia)
design phase 2017-2018