Córdoba’s nomination as European capital of culture 2016 is not only the recognition of the multicultural wealth of the city and of its history, but it’s also an occasion for a planninig reflection allowing Córdoba to recognize itself in contemporaneity, in continuation of its historical identity.
The Plan de Equipamientos e Infraestructuras culturales de Córdoba draws, within the nomination as European capital of culture 2016, but also apart from that occasion, a geographical map of public spaces and cultural buildings working as a future base for the city, understanding Córdoba’s historical and territoryal identity within Europe and within its region.
PEICC reflects on the indissolubile relationship between Culture and City, through public space as an open air site of cultural activation and as connection between cultural buildings. It defines some buildings and territorial infrastructures as priorities generatine polarities with geografical systems characterizing Córdoba (Sierra, Guadalquivir river, Campiña); several district buildings promote the integration of the urban areas outside the old town, becoming periphery’s cultural “lamps”; Public Space is Córdoba’s challenge for 2016, connecting element between cultural buildings and activated site for open air events, taking advantage of a consolidated tradition of Córdoba and of the great weather all over the year.
The project won in january 2011 the first prize for the III Premio Pays Med - Catalogo de Buenas Prácticas para el Paisaje Mediterráneo in cathegory A- Plans e Programs. More infos at www.paysmed.net
location Córdoba, Spain
Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milan
Anna Speranza, Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli with Pedro García del Barrio
client Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea, Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
design team Xavier Coll Caballé, Enrique Martínez Jiménez, Francisco Crespo García, Marta Reina Jiménez, Antonio Lara Morcillo, Ángela Aranda Rojas
design phase 2008-2010
prizes first prize for the III Premio Pays Med - Catalogo de Buenas Prácticas para el Paisaje Mediterráneo in cathegory A- Plans e Programs