The territory development project in Taberns answers client's needs in a borderline condition, an almost 3500 hectars semi-desertic territory in the south of Spain where Sergio Leone made various western movies. The aim of the project was to test new touristic or semi-temporary residential settlement's environmental and territorial implications of development in a hi-quality landscape though the fundamental principle of the highest sustainability.
Great attention was paid to new settlement's sustainbility, to fitting microclimate's creation, to energetic requirements and per capita resources (water, solar energy...) analitic calculation and their satisfaction with local renewable resources.
The experimentation developed a macro settlement type, with needed collective recreational functions (botanical parks, golf, hotel, horse racing), a semi-urbam sall-size community (aldeas), and environmental and typological study of self-sufficient familiar core (las villas autosuficientes), intervening sustainabilly in the different scales. The cultural challenge is about actuaizing traditional 20th century type of spanish planned villages.
location Tabernas, Almería, Spain
architecs Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milano
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza con arch. Diego Brieva
client Territorio y Ciudad
design team Javier Román
design phase 2005