On Motril’s coast, in the Granada province, landscape changed through the centuries for agricultural needs. Once granary of Europe, with cultivations of mais, the area is today cultivated with avocado and palms, drawing topography with agricultural terraces, forming a wonderful anthropogeographical landscape.
The project suggest optimizing the future touristic complex sustainability respecting the principles of settlement of the land under cultivation. A detailed study of the irrigation system and of the land under coltivation’s topography, suggest to create small size buildings buried into the ground, consolidating the exsisting terraces.
Patios, small stairs, view of the Guadalfeo river valley allow the complex on the hillside to be almost invisibile; respecting valley’s agricultural activities and treating kindly the exsisting pathways, the project promote active tourism to improve the landscape sustainably.
location Motril, Spain
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati, Milano
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
Beuve arquitectos, Siviglia
Diego Brieva, Carlos Violadé
client Territorio y Ciudad
design team Omar Sala, Javier Román
design phase 2008