The transformation of La Carlota air base is the occasion for re-thinking a big part of the city of Caracas, its connection with the surroundings and the way to organize and live into the luxuriant south-american nature, actualizing local culture and geography.
The hydrography generates the new system of public spaces for pedestrian and bicycles, connecting the future park (today a closed area) with the rest of the city, promoting the recovery of the water-paths as a city resource and creating park’s pathways.
In order to organize the park and assign various functions inside it, the project harks back to the way Yanomami population colonize the Amazon forest: the Shabonos – their settlements – create well-defined places inside the forest and contain different functions (hunting, cultivation, housing) in a perfect nature-culture sinergy.
This polycentric conformation becomes the ordinating element for living nature and assign various functions, freely choosen by citizens, in it (sport, culture, social activities, leisure, urban garden).
location Caracas (Venezuela)
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza with arch. Pedro Garcia del Barrio, arch. Fabiola Quieti, Jacopo Pellegrini and Teresa Figuiredo landscape designers
collaborators Teresa Pontini, Maria Chiara Mondini
contracting authority Instituto Metropolitano de Urbanismo Taller Caracas (IMUTC)
year 2012