The project gives the site back its original character of resting place, for travellers coming from Milan and going up north in the 19th-20th century.
The project, awarded by competition, starts from the partition of the urban space among different users: the car parking becomes smaller and hidden, slightly under the level of the road; pedestrian area becomes bigger where there are public functions giving life to the public space (church, cinema, commercial activities and bar). The neoclassical villa estbound is involved into the comprehensive renewal of the space and the urban fornitures. The project experiments with innovative solutions in traffic calming technics: the road is setted at the same quota of the sidewalk in order to eliminate structural barriers and slow down car’s speed.
location Gessate (Mi)
architects Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
contracting authority Comune di Gessate (Mi)
collaborator Mariacristina Bottini
year 1999
result 1º prize