The competiton thinks about one of the most recurring urban themes in spanish and, generally, european middle-small town: on one hand, reflecting on urban centres and their relations with the surrounding landscape, resolving especilly the vehicular transit and parking question; on the other hand, bring the old town back to life through the actualization of historical functions, in order to make it usable by society, necessary requirement ofr urban refurbishment.
Sanlúcar de Barramela, on the mouth of Guadalquivir river, has a priviledged territorial condition and a culturally interesting old town, whom topography is divided in high town and low town. The project, winner of the competition, suggest various urban solutions in order to answer the question of accessibility, considering the old town as an “island” and refurbishing various areas occupied by the old abandoned wine Bodegas. The municipal market, like a pivot for high and low town, not only resolve and strengthen the urban relation, but recalls places memories and their relations with territory, agriculture and fishing, and at the same time porposes social activities fundamental for town’s life and economy: this theme keep in contact Sanlúcar de Barrameda wine production and town’s topography functionally and socially, with the renewed market.
location Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cadice, Spagna)
progettisti Studio Redaelli Speranza architetti associati
Gaia Redaelli, Vito Redaelli, Anna Speranza
Beuve arquitectos
Diego Brieva, Carlos Violadé(group leaders)
contracting authority EPSA, Empresa Publica del Suelo de Andalucía
collaborators Javier Román, Elena Soriano, Sara Tena
year 2008
result 1º prize